November 7, 2020

Bitcoin Back To All Time Highs?



In March Bitcoin was trading at $3,880. Fast forward 8 months and we are now seeing BTC on its way to reaching ALL TIME HIGHS and currently trading at $15,735. Bitcoins price has touched it’s highest levels in 33 months and had a move upwards of 12% over the past 24 hours causing fomo to rapidly grip the market. With these numbers flowing and cryptocurrency continuing to grow, you can feel the electrifying energy through our savvy Mining Store Community. How long have you been sitting on the sidelines thinking ‘I should probably buy Bitcoin, but not now, maybe tomorrow’?. That tomorrow will turn into days, weeks or even months and before you know it you have missed Bitcoins most exciting time ever. It is time to act NOW.

An exponential amount of new Bitcoin wallets are being created. This shows people are taking action and getting involved and others are getting more and more left behind.

Buying Bitcoin is only the first step. After that, you truly open yourself up to an entirely different world of financial freedom, in arguably the most cutting edge industry of the last decade. No longer do you live on the banks terms, you decide where you store your money, you decide how much you can send, where you want to send it, and with no questions asked.

In the last week alone Grayscale, the worlds largest Bitcoin investment trust, purchased 16,000 Bitcoin. Miners in that time only mined 6300 Bitcoin. This figure begins to show the level of scarcity coming into effect.

What to do next?

In our experience, the first step to learn any skill is to firstly educate yourself. We believe one of the fastest ways of doing this is to consistently surround yourself with masters of their craft on a daily basis. This is of course very tricky to do, but being part of an online community opens up this huge opportunity for you.

I strongly encourage you to surround yourself with experts who are engaging with the alternative financial system (cryptocurrency/blockchain) on a daily basis. Come and join us at Mining Store, we have a free trial and we have plenty to share.

You will hear from us when Bitcoin hits 20k USD. By then, will you have come off the sidelines and taken the plunge into financial freedom?

If you’re ready to take the plunge & join us now, you can sign up using a 7 day FREE trial here

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